A personal computer or a compatible Smart Phone is required to run the Printer Lock Station application which is a Windows-based software application that controls the locking mechanisms of a compatible printer. In many large corporations, it's quite normal that at least one staff member will be utilizing the office printer on a daily basis to print non-sensitive documents. In this scenario, the document could be printed in full color, or black and white, or any other color the employee may desire. However, if the document in question contains sensitive information or work plans, then printing the document would either require a password, or the individual would have to physically gain access to the document's file. The use of a password protects the information or file from unauthorized view by others. However, even with a password, or perhaps with the aid of a physical file of the document, the file may still be prone to being printed without authorization.
To remove this application, you first need to be able to view the programs and features that are installed on your computer. Click Start, select Run and then type regedit in the box that appears. You will see a window appear with three tabs; one for the "registry", one for the files and settings that are located inside the registry and one for the Users and Places folders. Double click the appropriate tab to open the dialogue box for editing. Once you click OK, a window will appear with the names of all the programs and files that are located in the registry; click on the option you want to remove and then click on Remove.
As you can see from the above, all you have to do to uninstall Printer Lock Station is to follow the steps mentioned above. At the end of this process, you will see the application files and the corresponding folders. You can delete the files that you want; however, make sure that you are not removing vital files required by your computer to run the applications properly. These files include the likes of registry keys, Windows files and other important data that will be essential for the continued operation of the application.